In this video, we have the isolated bass track from Earth Wind and Fire’s song, September played by Verdine White. What a treat to listen to this great bass line from a great bass player from one of the best bands of all time.
I have another video on recording and mixing a choir. I go over my mic setup, running cables, interface, laptop, and a detailed mix review.
#recordingchoirs #howtorecordandmixachoir #recordingandmixing
0:54 Setup tour
2:11 Microphones
03:06 The Auditorium
04:26 Computer and Interface
05:54 Sound of choir backstage
06:15 Mixing the choir pre-processing sound
07:06 Processing the choir starting with Slate VMR classic mic emulation and the S-47F Mic
09:00 The Elysia alpha master compressor
10:21 The Elysia museq
11:35 SSL Bus Compressor
12:36 Pro Q3 Eq
13:11 Ozone 9 Eq, Imager and Maximizer
14:33 Reverb: Valhalla Vintage Verb and post eq on the reverb
17:48 Before and After comparison of Process and unprocessed mix
19:31 Revisiting the VMR classic mic S-47F before and after with all processing
20:30 Checklist of things to bring on a live recording session
– Fergie
In this video, I go over my process and show you how to mix background vocals to spice up your mix. This is one way as there are many ways to achieve great background vocals assuming you are starting with a good source, to begin with. The song I’m working on is called “River” which I co-wrote with the singer.
0:00 Intro
0:28 Quick Listen of Chorus on Track
1:02 Listening to the BGV’s in Solo with and without processing, panning and routing
2:22 Slate VMR Mix Rack processing
3:52 Giving the vocals clarity
4:22 Giving the vocals sheen – polishing the vocals
5:16 Pulling the vocals forward and gluing and adding excitement to the background vocals with the CLA2A from Waves
5:51 Using saturation on the vocals with the Sound Toys Decapitator
6:45 Adding width to the background vocals
7:38 Adding a hint of chorus on the bgv’s with the Sound Toys Microshift
8:00 Adding the vocal rider to level out any peaks
8:34 Adding Reverb using the Relab LX480
9:20 Adding delay/echo to the reverb using the H-Delay from Waves
10:48 Using the Fabfilter ProQ 3 for filtering of the reverb and delay tone
11:30 Listen in context with the mix with and without processing
#howtomixbackgroundvocals #howtogetwidebackgroundvocals #southernrock
– Fergie
In this video, we talk about how to compress electric guitars to smooth out tone and notes that poke out using the Arouser Compressor from Empirical Labs.
In this video, we take an already recorded song and change the tempo, in this case, speed up the tempo. Fast and easy.