Mixing Blues Rock Track – Drums – YouTube Live Stream Final Mix

In this video, I go over the final touches on this blues-rock track, in the style of Joe Bonamassa with a female singer, and the final mix from the live YouTube video I recently had done. This video details the drums and what I changed from the first video and how I got the sound I did. There will be separate videos for the bass guitar/electric guitars, vocals, vocal throws, keyboards, and automation.

Audio files will be available until March 15th listed here. When you enter your email you’ll a download link window will pop up. https://mailchi.mp/c4ec0d2d5c0c/mixing-stems

Leave a comment on how you approach your drums.

Thank you for tuning in!

00:00 Before and After Drum Sound
00:45 Welcome – Introduction
01:35 Listening to the intro, verse, and first chorus sample of the finished song
03:44 Overall Drum Sound in Solo Mode
04:35 Kick Drum Processing
15:04 Snare Drum Processing
19:25 Room Mic Processing
22:00 Drum Bus Parallel Channel Processing
24:50 Reverb on Snare Drum
25:44 Closing thoughts Thank You!

Producing Music – Getting Ideas and Inspiration

Sometimes writing songs and producing songs can be difficult. Sometimes you run out of ideas and feel like you have writer’s block and nothing is happening. In this video, I discuss how I had written a song only to realize it wasn’t working and had to re-produce the music to it to make it work. That was a challenge as at first, I wasn’t sure what to do. I explain in this video what I did to get unstuck and write a song that I was happy with. Thanks for watching!